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Why rest and recovery days are so important.
Contents of this article: 1) No rest days - the biggest training mistake.2) Are rest days important?3) Why are rest days important? - including discussion of fitness supercompensation graphs.4) What should you do on a rest and recovery day?5) How many rest and recovery days should you have per week?6) When in the week should you have rest and recovery days?7) Should you have recovery and deload weeks?8) Summary. 1) No rest days - the biggest training mistake! "I need to do more and more training/exercise to get fitter and in better shape. I wonder how much training can I fit...
Is CTL (Chronic Training Load) A Good Measurement For Tracking Fitness And Performance
CTL is like a mileage reading in a car, it doesn’t show you the route, weather conditions, passenger distractions, destination type, speeds, type of road, congestion etc… you’ve been on, occurred and will occur. Two very different paths may have been taken in two very different machines to produce the same mileage (CTL figures) and so two different performances will occur at the final destination point. Why CTL (and all other metrics on performance management apps) should be used cautiously/wisely: 1) External stressors -Lifestyle stress e.g Extremely stressful day at work, young children, sleepless nights the list goes on....
CTL ,ATL, TSB, TSS? - Understanding Performance Management Metrics
Various training apps can be used to monitor, plan and analyse an athletes workout and performances. Most of them regurgitate various metrics (discussed below) that many athletes (and some coaches!) don’t understand or understand vaguely or by word of mouth. Training peaks produces the following metrics which I will now discuss, dissect and provide useful analogies to (see the end of this article for my English Sword analogy): --- 1) TSS (Training Stress Score) Also known as - WORKOUT STRESS This is the big daddy, the metric that determines all the other metrics to be discussed in this article....